Sunday, 23 February 2014

DAY 461. How I feel after getting home lol

DAY 460. Kangaroo

Well that was a fail, and I really hate to pull out the emergency excuse card --since I only permit myself to screw up a daily in case something serious happens, though I got a very nasty bout of dehydration and lethargy on Saturday (I'm guessing the dehydration caused mild altitude sickness.) and that in combination with the physical exertion, it just made me completely incapable of drawing properly. Though I'm fine now, just tired lol.

In any case, here's a continuation of what I was trying to doodle in my sleeping bag before giving up.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Postponed Daily Due to Camping Trip

I’m going on a camping trip today and won’t be back until Sunday, meaning that this’ll be the first time in 459 days where I’ll be unable to upload in time (laaame). But since I’m a stickler for keeping to my own stupid rules, and messing up a day will haunt me —I’m still going to have a daily (albeit traditional for once and not digital) done on Saturday. And it’ll be posted once I’m back Sunday night.
Going to draw it in a snow cave, hehe x]

DAY 459. Ursidae